Public transport options for accessing healthcare 

To search for door-to-door public transport journey options to NHS health care facilities across Scotland:

  • Use our Access to Healthcare journey planner which has hospital, GP, pharmacy, optician, and dental locations easily selectable from the map. 
  • Download our app which lets you select travel to main NHS hospital facilities in the journey planner. Touch 'Travel to Hospitals' from the app's main menu for full details.
  • Speak to a travel adviser in our Scottish call centre on 0871 200 22 33. Calls cost 12p per minute plus your phone company's access charge.
    We're open 24 hours every day. We are happy to accept calls from textphone, Relay UK and contactSCOTLAND-BSL users. 



More information

For more details about the Access to Healthcare journey planner, please visit this web page.

Please note: As a public transport information service, Traveline Scotland is not able to answer any enquiries about medical appointments or scheduling.

For general healthcare information from the NHS, please visit